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Actors aged 8-10 years  develop their technique as they enjoy games and exercises for teamwork, focus, memory and literacy skills.

Join the Young Actors' Guild and take part in two performances: December 2024 and May 2025.

Next session of classes begins September 2024.

No audition required! Beginners welcome!

Fee includes a non-refundable deposit of $220.

Apprentice Level - ages 8-10/grade 3-5

  • Actors age 8-10 (Grades 3-5) learn and develop performing arts techniques through participation in the Young Actors’ Guild program.

    Apprentice actors improve skills in creativity, critical thinking and collaboration while gaining the confidence to express themselves and their ideas in a compelling and persuasive manner.

    Programs at all levels may include theatre games, improvisation, voice, music and movement, mime, mask work, stage combat and more. Work from a scripted text culminates in a public performance at the end of each term (December and May).

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